
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Advent Conspiracy - Christmas Can Still Change The World

I found this link in my twitter stream the other day and it intrigued me that there could be some kind of secret conspiracy behind Advent, that liturgical season I love so much. I've never been one to shy away from a good conspiracy (growing up my dad always had well-worn copies of the Enquirer, The News and other reputable papers with pictures of bat-boy and aliens shaking hands with the President on the front page). A click or two took me to the Advent Conspiracy homepage (this is BIG entire section of the www is dedicated to this stuff!) where I found the following video;

If that isn't intriguing enough with it's secret plot to undermine the Christmas Machine for all time, their manifesto outlines things even more clearly;

Nobody wants a Christmas worth forgetting. The concept behind Advent Conspiracy is simple...

Worship Fully - It starts with Jesus. It ends with Jesus. This is the holistic approach God had in mind for Christmas. It’s a season where we are called to put down our burdens and lift a song up to our God. It’s a season where love wins, peace reigns, and a king is celebrated with each breath. It’s the party of the year. Entering the story of advent means entering this season with an overwhelming passion to worship Jesus to the fullest.

Spend Less - Before you think we’re getting all Scrooge on you, let us explain what we mean. We like gifts. Our kids really like gifts. But consider this: America spends an average of $450 billion a year every Christmas. How often have you spent money on Christmas presents for no other reason than obligation? How many times have you received a gift out of that same obligation? Thanks, but no thanks, right? We’re asking people to consider buying ONE LESS GIFT this Christmas. Just one.  Sounds insignificant, yet many who have taken this small sacrifice have experienced something nothing less than a miracle: They have been more available to celebrate Christ during the advent season.

Give More - God’s gift to us was a relationship built on love. So it’s no wonder why we’re drawn to the idea that Christmas should be a time to love our friends and family in the most memorable ways possible. Time is the real gift Christmas offers us, and no matter how hard we look, it can’t be found at the mall. Time to make a gift that turns into the next family heirloom. Time to write mom a letter. Time to take the kids sledding. Time to bake really good cookies and sing really bad Christmas carols. Time to make love visible through relational giving. Sounds a lot better than getting a sweater two sizes too big, right?

Love All - When Jesus loved, He loved in ways never imagined. Though rich, he became poor to love the poor, the forgotten, the overlooked and the sick. He played to the margins. By spending less at Christmas we have the opportunity to join Him in giving resources to those who need help the most. When Advent Conspiracy first began four churches challenged this simple concept to its congregations. The result raised more than a half million dollars to aid those in need. One less gift. One unbelievable present in the name of Christ.

My final investigations into this mysterious underground movement led me to the radically subversive site, with it's seemingly endless lists of alternative giving ideas and diy gifts that cost little to nothing in cash but fairly scream out one's personal interest and investment in your loved ones lives.

All in all, as crazy as it may sound, it seems there is indeed a conspiracy afoot. What else can you call it when a mysterious, elite group of individuals begin a nearly viral movement to turn one of the most important seasons of our liturgical year on it's head?

Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself and you'll see it is indeed an honest to goodness Advent Conspiracy!

Peace and God Bless

The season of Advent: From a pastoral letter by Saint Charles Borromeo, bishop

Beloved, now is the acceptable time spoken of by the Spirit, the day of salvation, peace and reconciliation: the great season of Advent. This is the time eagerly awaited by the patriarchs and prophets, the time that holy Simeon rejoiced at last to see. This is the season that the Church has always celebrated with special solemnity. We too should always observe it with faith and love, offering praise and thanksgiving to the Father for the mercy and love he has shown us in this mystery. In his infinite love for us, though we were sinners, he sent his only Son to free us from the tyranny of Satan, to summon us to heaven, to welcome us into its innermost recesses, to show us truth itself, to train us in right conduct, to plant within us the seeds of virtue, to enrich us with the treasures of his grace, and to make us children of God and heirs of eternal life.

Each year, as the Church recalls this mystery, she urges us to renew the memory of the great love God has shown us. This holy season teaches us that Christ’s coming was not only for the benefit of his contemporaries; his power has still to be communicated to us all. We shall share his power, if, through holy faith and the sacraments, we willingly accept the grace Christ earned for us, and live by that grace and in obedience to Christ.

The Church asks us to understand that Christ, who came once in the flesh, is prepared to come again. When we remove all obstacles to his presence he will come, at any hour and moment, to dwell spiritually in our hearts, bringing with him the riches of his grace.

In her concern for our salvation, our loving mother the Church uses this holy season to teach us through hymns, canticles and other forms of expression, of voice or ritual, used by the Holy Spirit. She shows us how grateful we should be for so great a blessing, and how to gain its benefit: our hearts should be as much prepared for the coming of Christ as if he were still to come into this world. The same lesson is given us for our imitation by the words and example of the holy men of the Old Testament.

Sound the trumpets in Zion, summon the nations; call the people together and tell them the good news: Our God and our Savior is coming!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Edge Youth Group - Nov 25 - "King Sardines"

The next Edge Youth Group night (grade 7+) at Christ the King is this Friday, November 25 from 7-8:30 pm.
Join us for a great night that will end with an awesome game of "King Sardines".
For more info contact Pierre or Laura at 584-410 or
See you there!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Intercessory Prayers - November 20, 2011




NOVEMBER 6, 2011



1.     Let us pray for the Church,

 instrument of unity and salvation,

 We pray to you Lord,

 RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


2.     May we reach out to the poor, the stranger, the imprisoned and those

 considered the least among us. May our donations to our Annual Appeal

 help those in need,

 We pray to you Lord,

 RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


3.     Let us pray for our parish of Christ the King,

 striving to make the Kingdom of God a reality in our community,

 We pray to you Lord,

 RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


4.     Let us pray for families, communities and nations seeking reconciliation,

 and for all who work to make this reconciliation happen,

 We pray to you Lord,

 RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


5.     Let us pray for those who have died,

 especially CHRISTINE ENNIS,

 that they may be received into the joy of your heavenly kingdom,

 We pray to you Lord,

 RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


6.    Let us now pray in silence for our personal intentions,

(Pause 5 – 7 seconds)

We pray to you Lord,

RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.