
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Other6 - Where do You Find God? Where Do You Need To Find God?

The Other6 Website is one I stumbled across a few years ago in my on-line travels. It was (and still is) a site run by the Jesuits, an order that has become quite renowned in using current media outreach to proclaim the gospel and at all times. It disappeared for awhile, always with the promise that they were working on a new format and interface and hoped to be back soon.

Imagine my pleasant surprise when I received a tweet a few weeks ago offering a link to their new and improved site!

What is the Other6? From their website;

"Ignatius of Loyola, the 16th-century founder of the Jesuits, devised an “examination of consciousness”—a prayerful review of the day intended to help people recognize where they were finding, or needing to find, God in their lives. Other6 takes the essence of this centuries-old practice of the Examen and adapts it for today’s Internet-driven world by posing two questions: Where have you found God today? and Where do you need to find God today?

Other6, an online ministry of Loyola Press, is Jesuit and Catholic in its inspiration but pushes no particular agenda; it is meant for anyone who seeks God with a sincere heart. Our prayer is that you will find this community a help in your search to draw closer to God."

In my work with the RCIA and more recently, with families preparing their children for Christian Initiation I have used Ignatius' daily examine to help people exercise their "God Eye" that sense we have been gifted with from before we were born that is drawn inexorably to our source of life and love, God. Like any other muscle, it gets flabby and out of shape through lack of use but, with just a little practice, can gift us with the uncanny ability to perceive the workings of our Heavenly Father in every facet of our lives and the lives of others.

Ignatius knew how quickly the heart can forget, how easy it is to loose our vision and our way. The practice of seeking out God's presence not just in church on Sunday, but in every moment of those other 6 days we move through each week, is like oxygen for the soul. It has the great potential to bring us into minute-by-minute contact with our Lord and God and dramatically change the way we carry our selves through all of our days and in all of our relationships.

You will notice we have added a feed on the right-hand side of our blog listing just a few of the ways people from around the world have found, or need to find God at work in their lives. As Lent shifts into Easter and winter gives way to the glory and growth of spring and summer, I encourage you to take time out of your day to stop, look, and listen for the whispering and shouting voice of your God who wants so badly to be a part of your life, and you to be a part of His.

Peace and God Bless

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

One Adventure Ends...Another Already Set to Begin!

Last night saw the final gathering of our 40+ strong bible study group that has been following the "Quick Journey Through the Bible" DVD series from Ascension Press. It has really been an amazing ride through the entire story of Salvation from Genesis through to the Acts of the Apostles.

In 8 short weeks we began to appreciate just how awesome a story it is that we have been handed in the Word of God. Even more exciting, that this story does not end with words written in black and white on the thin and aging pages of our bibles, but is still alive, moving and breathing in the midst of our own stories!

The response has been so good with this brief over-view of the Bible story that many of the participants have been jumping at the bit to do the longer 24-week program this fall.

Where the Quick Journey spends approximately 1 hour a night over 8 weeks breaking open the 14 narrative books of the Bible (those 14 books that tell the core story of our faith in a chronological manner), The Great Adventure Bible Study, while following the same outline, invites us to sit back and get comfortable with each of the 14 books in their appropriate time period taking as much as 4 hours (2 hours each evening) to delve into the stories and discover the rich fruits Gods has tucked away within.

We already have a few dozen people signed up for this 24 week study in the fall with many more expressing interest in the program. If you would like some more information, or would like to register for the fall program contact Eric in the parish office.

Not sure if the 24-week study is for you? We will be offering a re-run of the Quick Journey Through the Bible 8-week program on Saturday mornings starting this September. Be sure to let Eric know if you're interested.

Have a very blessed Holy Week and a Happy Easter!

Peace and God Bless

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holy Week @ CTK

"As he rode along, the people were spreading their cloaks on the road; and now as he was approaching the slope of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of his disciples began to praise God aloud with joy for all the mighty deeds they had seen. They proclaimed: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest."

The most sacred time of our church year begins with these words in praise and honour of the King of kings. It is a proclaimation of fealty and faith that quickly turns to cries of "Crucify him! Crucify him!"

As this Holy time begins, we are invite both in worship and in prayer to immerse ourselves in the experience of our Lord's Passion, death and resurrection. We are encouraged to ask ourselves tough questions, in the confidence that we do not do this inner work alone, but in the loving companionship of our Lord who has walked this way before us.

Do I proudly proclaim my faith in Christ so long as it remains convenient? Safe? Acceptable? Am I willing and ready to shift my priorities, to make those changes in lifestyle, and scheduling, my faith demands?

We ask these questions, and die these deaths, in the sure and certain faith that we do not walk this pilgrim way alone, but hand in hand - prayer in prayer, with both each other and the servant king who leads our way.

Peace and God Bless
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