
Saturday, March 31, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross; Station 9 Jesus Falls A Third Time

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station  9 Jesus Falls A Third Time

We adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For By Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed The World.

The spirit is willing, but His flesh is so very weak. It is hard to conceive how awful the weight of His cross must be. He falls and we wonder, will he ever get up? Can he get up? As the crowd jeers and the soldiers crack their whips...He rises.

Christ Speaks To Me: Drained, empty, my strength is gone. I collapse into stones and dirt adding new wounds and opening old ones. My body lies still. Kicks and blows do not rouse me.

Yet - my will is my own, as is yours.

You must know this - your body may break, but there is no force on earth, and none is the depths of Hell, that can take away your will.

My will is mine, your will is yours. I you can too.

I Reply: My Jesus, my Lord. I see you fall, and my heart leaps to my throat. You lay still. Are you breathing? Am I? Then you rise and stagger on. This too, I can do. My will is mine.

When all strength is gone, and guilt, shame and self-reproach drag me to the ground pressing stones and dirt into my flesh, protect me from Judas' sin - save me from the pit of paralyzing despair.

My Jesus, my Lord help me to know that no sin of mine, is greater than your love. No matter how heavy or paralyzing my past may be, I can rise again with you!


Friday, March 30, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross; Station 8 Jesus Consoles The Women

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station 8 Jesus Consoles The Women

We adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For By Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed The World.

Luke 23:27-28

"Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children."

Christ Speaks To Me:  How often have I desired to gather you together as a hen gathers her brood beneath her wings. Yet you refuse.

Here, these women weep for me, and my heart breaks for them - for all the sorrow that will come.

Here, in the midst of my own pain, I console those who would console me.

In the midst of your own pain, how gentle, kind, and compassionate to others are you able to be?

I Reply: My Jesus, my Lord, your compassion in the midst of passion surpasses me.

Teach me, Lord, help me. When all that is in me wants to lash out at those who hurt me, those who misunderstand, or try to placate me with empty, thoughtless words. When they seek to invade my private sorrow, and take my grief for themselves -

Help me to catch my tongue.

Make your gentleness my cloak.

Gather me beneath your wings. Draw me to yourself, and fill my broken heart with your kindness and compassion.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross; Station 7 Jesus Falls A Second Time

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station 7 - Jesus Falls A Second Time

We adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For By Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed The World.

We often forget that the scourging itself, prior to the crucifixion, was often fatal. It was intended to at least horribly weaken the victim, as well as hasten their death. Beaten, bloodied and in a state of near-mortal shock, Jesus, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings - through whom all things came into being - falls.

Christ Speaks To Me: Ah, beloved, this second fall is a test of your will. You must learn to persevere in doing good, even as you are being rejected and beaten down. The time will come when every effort seems doomed to fail and you will cry out "I cannot go on!"

Turn to me, you with all of your burdens, all of your failings and fallings - I will give you rest.

Trust me.

I Reply: My Jesus, My Lord, give me your courage, your strength. When my failures press upon me, and I collapse beneath the load, when I despair and my heart is empty - stretch out your hand. Lift me up.

I know I must not stop, but persevere always in doing good.

Only help me Lord. Alone I can do nothing but fall.

With you, I can do anything you ask.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross; Station 6 - Veronica Helps Jesus

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station 6 - Veronica Helps Jesus

We adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For By Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed The World.

Legend has it that a woman came forward from out of the jeering crowds to wipe the sweat, dirt, and blood from Jesus' face. In gratitude, Jesus made his likeness appear on the veil she used.

Christ Speaks To Me: Are you brave enough, beloved, to wipe the dirt and blood from my pain-wracked face?

What face? Where?

When eyes fill with tears, or tempers flare. When fights break our on playgrounds or slums. When sadness and despair find their way into courtrooms, hospitals and jail cells. Wherever one of my beloved suffer -

There is my face, looking for you.

So I ask again; Are you brave enough, is your heart big enough to wipe my blood and tears?

I Reply: My Lord, my Jesus, what you ask is so very hard. It requires courage, sacrifice - and I am so weak. Give me strength, Lord. Don't let me run in fear.

Live in me.

Act in me.

Love in me.

Not in me alone Lord - but in all of us, so that we might reveal no more your dirt and tear-stained - but your glorious face to the world.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross; Station 5 Jesus Is Helped By Simon

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station  - 5 Jesus Is Helped By Simon

We adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For By Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed The World.

Mark 15:21

"They compelled a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus."

Christ Speaks To Me: My strength fails, I am unable to bear this cross alone, so the soldiers force a stranger, Simon, to help me.

He is like you, reluctant, anxious, afraid. But I need his strength, and I need yours too.

Each time you lift some weight from another's arms, you bear the awful weight of this cross that crushes me.

I Reply: Lord, help me to realize that every time I wipe a dish, clean my house, help a child, or allow another to take my place in traffic or in line at the store; each time I open my heart, my wallet, my cupboard to feed the poor, clothe the naked, free the imprisoned, it matters not to whom - my name is Simon and all kindness I extend, is given to you.


Monday, March 26, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross Station 4: Jesus Meets His Mother

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station  4 - Jesus Meets His Mother 

We adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For By Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed The World.

Though the gospels do not record a meeting between Our Lord and His mother on the path to His crucifixion, John's gospel does attest to the fact that she was indeed present, never far from the Passion of her Son. (John 19:25)

Christ Speaks To Me: My mother sees me whipped. She watches as I am kicked, and beaten - driven like a beast to the slaughter. She counts every lash, numbers ever wound. Her own heart pierced. But though every corner of her soul cries out in shared agony, she does not protest. Though her tears flow, no complaint escapes her lips or enters her mind.

She shares my Passion, my pain - and I share hers. We hide nothing, no pain, no sorrow. This is my Father's will.

I Reply: My Jesus, My Lord, I know what you are telling me. To watch the pain of those I love is much harder than to bear my own.

To carry my cross after you, I must be willing, sometimes, to stand and watch the sufferings of those most dear to me - the heartache, sorrows, sickness and brokenness in the lives of those whom I love.

And I must let them watch mine.

I do believe - for those who love you - all things work together for good.


40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Lenten Prayer Week Six

Lenten Prayers - Week Six

Fifth Sunday of Lent
Lord, you are the resurrection and
the life. (see John 11:25)

“Lord, your kindness and love will
always be with me each day of my
life.” (Psalm 23:6)

Lord, help me to have faith in you
for who you are. (see John 8:24)

Lord, I pray to know the truth, the
truth that will set me free. (see John 8:31)

“The Lord is our God, bringing
justice everywhere on earth.”
(Psalm 105:7)

“I sing praises to you Lord. You
rescue the oppressed from the
wicked.” (Jeremiah 20:13)

You, O Lord, are our God. We are
your people. (see Ezekiel 37:27)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Table Prayers For Lent

Blessing for the Family Meal
Bless us, Lord, and the food we are about to eat. May our love
for one another, and the food we share, strengthen us to
share your love with others. Amen.

Week Five—Lord of Healing
Blessed are you, Lord of Healing.
You remove the pain of separation and want,
And heal us of all our hurts.
Help us to be for others,
In our family and world,
The healing and hopeful presence
That Jesus is for us. Amen.

All: Lord, hear us and keep us in your love.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross Station 3: Jesus Falls

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station 3 - Jesus Falls

We adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For By Your Holy Cross, You have Redeemed The World.

Jesus, the burden of the cross caused the blood to flow from your wounds and the strength to ebb from your bones. You fell to the dust...but you pulled yourself up again.

Christ Speaks To Me: The God who created the Universe, who made Heaven and Earth, and sustains all things in existence by His loving will alone, has become a man, too weak to bear the timber's weight.

How human in His weakness, is the Son of God. My Father willed that it should be so. I could not be your perfect model otherwise.

If you would walk this way with me, be my flesh and blood in the world, you must learn to accept, all of the difficult, beautiful, fragile frailties that make you human too.

I Reply: My Jesus, my Lord, how can I refuse you?

I accept all of my weaknesses, my irritations and angers and the shifting sands of my moods, my headaches, back aches, forgetfulness, and fatigue, all of the defects of my mind, my body and my soul.

These are your will for me, these handicaps to my humanity. I gladly suffer them, for you.

Make me content, with all of my discontents, but give me strength to continue to struggle, rising from the dirt, to walk again with you.


Friday, March 23, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross: Station 2 Jesus Takes His Cross

We welcome you to join us from now until Good Friday, in praying the Way of The Cross. Each Day, save for Sundays, we will feature one station for your prayer and reflection. If you are just joining now or would like to spend time with one of the previous stations, you may do so using this link: The Way Of The Cross 2012

Station Two - Jesus Takes His Cross

We Adore You O Christ And We Praise You...

For by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.

John 19:17

"...and carrying the cross by himself, he went out to what is called The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha."

Christ Speaks To Me: This cross, this chunk of wood and bark, is what my Father chose for me.

The crosses you must bear are not trees, but parts of your daily life. Yet my Father chose them too, for you. You alone. Receive them from His hands.

Take heart, I will not let let your burdens grow one ounce too heavy for your strength.

I Reply: My Jesus, my Lord, I promise to take up my cross daily. I welcome the monotony that often marks my days, discomforts of all kinds, the heat, the cold, disappointment, tension, set-backs, anxiety and worries.

Remind me, Lord, that in carrying the cross, I carry yours with you. And though I bear only a sliver of your cross, You carry all of mine, save for sliver, in return.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - The Way Of The Cross Station 1: Jesus Is Condemned

During Lent, we are called to realize that following Jesus doesn't mean just going to mass every week or being kind to others. To follow Jesus we must follow the Way of The Cross.

Catholics have a beautiful way of prayerfully entering into this very experience, a particular Lenten Devotion - or method of prayer - that invites us to immerse ourselves in the story and experience of the Cross. It is appropriately named "The Way Of The Cross" others may also refer to it as "The Stations Of The Cross" because the reflections and prayers are broken up into 14 separate 'stations'.

This devotion was originally brought back from the Holy Land by pilgrims who had spent time meditating on Jesus' Passion and Death as they physically walked from the Garden of Gethsemane to Calvary.

Praying these stations requires one to spend time with each scene in prayer and contemplation, not only on the words and actions of these events, but on how these words and actions are reflected in our own lives. From now until Good Friday (save for Sundays which retain their more celebratory flavor even during the weeks of Lent) we invite you to join us on a daily, prayerful 'walk' through this ancient Catholic prayer. May the graces you receive through these prayers help you to truly embrace the Easter hope and joy to come.

Station One - Jesus Is Condemned

We adore You O Christ and we praise you...

For by your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.

Matthew 27:22-24

"So when Pilate saw that he could do nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took some water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, ‘I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.’"

Christ Speaks To Me: In Pilate's hands, I see my Father's will. Though Pilate is unjust, he is the lawful Governor and he has power over me.

And so the Son of God obeys.

If I can bow to Pilate's rule because this is my Father's will, can you refuse obedience to those just ones whom I place over you?

I Respond: My Jesus, my Lord, obedience cost you your life. For me it costs nothing more than an act of my will - and yet, it is so very hard for me to bend.

Remove the blinders from my eyes and help me to see that, however it may appear on the surface, it is you whom I obey in all things.

Lord, it is you.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Spiritual Directive: Give Gratuitously

Your love, insofar as it is from God, is permanent. You can claim the permanence of your love as a gift from God. And you can give that permanent love to others. When others stop loving you, you do not have to stop loving them. On a human level, changes might be necessary, but on the level of the divine, you can remain faithful to your love.

One day you will be free to give gratuitous love, a love that does not ask for anything in return. One day also you will be free to receive gratuitous love. Often love is offered to you, but you do not recognize it. You discard it because you are fixed on receiving it from the same person to whom you gave it.

The great paradox of love is that precisely when you have claimed yourself as God's beloved begin to grow into the freedom to give gratuitously.

-Henri J.M. Nouwen "The Inner Voice Of Love"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Lenten Moments: Prayer

Focusing Scripture: Matthew 6:7-15
“When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

 ‘Pray then in this way:
Our Father in heaven,
   hallowed be your name...”

Theme: Prayer
“The Christian family is the first place of education in prayer.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #2685) The home is where we learn to pray, where we learn to persevere in prayer. At home, prayer awakens us to Christ’s presence in the midst of life.

Reflective Moment
What is your definition of prayer? Based on this definition, how good are you at being a pray-er?

Living the Message
Choose a time to pray every day. Try to persevere with your prayer time in the home.

Prayer Moment
Light a candle. Slowing pray the Our Father. Offer each other God’s peace.

Monday, March 19, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Table Prayers For Lent

Blessing for the Family Meal
Bless us, Lord, and the food we are about to eat. May our love
for one another, and the food we share, strengthen us to
share your love with others. Amen.

Week Four—Lord of Compassion
Blessed are you, Lord of Compassion.
You feel the pain of those in need
And take their suffering upon yourself.
Help us to identify more with those in need,
In our neighborhoods and throughout the world,
And to do our part to ease the burdens they bear.

All: Lord, hear us and keep us in your love.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Lenten Prayer Week Five

Lenten Prayers - Week Five

Fourth Sunday of Lent
“You, Lord, are my shepherd. I will
never be in need.” (Psalm 23:1)

“I prayed to you, Lord God, and
you healed me, saving me from
death and the grave.” (Psalm 29:2)

“The Lord all-powerful is with us.
The God of Jacob is our fortress.”
(Psalm 46:11)

Lord, you will never forget me.
(see Isaiah 49:15)

“Remember me, Lord, when you
show kindness by saving your
people!” (Psalm 106:4)

Lord, you are there to rescue all
who are discouraged and have
given up hope. (see Psalm 34:18)

“You, God, are my shield, the
protector of everyone whose heart
is right.” (Psalm 7:10)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Video Reflection: The Problem of Sin

Loyola Press editor Jim Manney talks about the problem of sin and falling short of ideals in our relationship with God. This video is a part of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.


For Further Reflection please see;

Friday, March 16, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Lenten Moments: Letting Go Of Hatred

Focusing Scripture: Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18
“You shall not hate in your heart anyone of your kin; you shall reprove your neighbour, or you will incur guilt yourself. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself: I am the Lord.”

Theme: Letting go of hatred.
So much of how we are supposed to live is easier said than done, isn’t it? We really want to hold onto that grudge sometimes. We really want to hang onto our anger and return hurt for hurt. Yet when we hold on to grudges, to anger, when our energy is focused on revenge, our hearts cannot be at peace in Jesus. He pulls us towards him. He says, “Let go.”

Reflective Moment
What is a grudge? Why do we hold grudges? How does it feel?

Living the Message
Choose to let go of a grudge today, to let go of anger, or to abandon a plan for revenge.

Prayer Moment
Dear Jesus, we offer to you all of our struggles in trying to love each other well. Help us to let go of hurts and of anger, and to hold onto the pace and forgiveness you offer. Amen.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Spiritual Directive: Always Come Back To The Solid Place

Greek Orthodox monastery of Rousanou, Meteora, Greece
You must believe in the yes that comes back when you ask, "Do you love me?" You must choose this yes even when you do not experience it.

You feel overwhelmed by distractions, fantasies, the disturbing desire to throw yourself into the world of pleasure. But you know already that you will not find there an answer to your deepest question. Nor does the answer lie in rehashing old events, or in guilt or shame. All of that makes you dissipate yourself and leave the rock on which your house is built.

You have to trust the place that is solid, the place where you can say yes to God's love even when you do not feel it. Right now you feel nothing except emptiness and the lack of strength to choose. But keep saying, "God loves me, and God's love is enough." You have to choose the solid place over and over again and return to it after every failure.

-Henri J.M. Nouwen "The Inner Voice Of Love"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Video Reflection; “O felix culpa—O happy fault.”

Paul Brian Campbell, SJ, publisher of Loyola Press and People for Others blogger, discusses how we can learn great things from our sins. This video is a part of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Lenten Moments: For The Least Among Us

Focusing Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46
“When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.”

Theme: For the least among us.
Jesus tells us that he is in the faces of the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the imprisoned. The least loveable among us—that is where Jesus is. And he is rather clear—“feed me, clothe me, visit me. . . and the reign of God will be yours.”

Reflective Moment
In our community, where are the hungry, the naked, the most forgotten? How can we reach out to them?

Living the Message
Choose one simple way you will reach out to a forgotten person today (i.e., pack a lunch and give it to the homeless person who stands at the intersection, purchase a children’s game and drop it off at the nearest family shelter).

Prayer Moment
Lord, today we lift up to you the lonely and most forgotten people in our community. Through our actions and our prayers may they experience your love and care. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, March 12, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Lenten Prayer Week Four

Lenten Prayers - Week Four

Third Sunday of Lent
O Lord, we have heard you
ourselves, and we are certain that
you are the Savior of the world!
(see John 4:42)

“In my heart, I am thirsty for you
the living God. When will I see
your face?” (Psalm 42:2)

“Show me your paths and teach
me to follow; guide me by your
truth and instruct me.” (Psalm 25:4)

Help me, oh Lord, to follow your
commands, to teach them to my
children and to my children’s
children. (see Deuteronomy 4:9)

We worship the Lord with thankful
hearts and songs of praise. (see Psalm 95:2)

Lord, that I may love you with all
my heart, soul, mind, and
strength. (see Mark 12:30)

Lord, our prayer is that we may do
our best to know you today. (see Hosea 6:3)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Table Prayers For Lent

Blessing for the Family Meal
Bless us, Lord, and the food we are about to eat. May our love
for one another, and the food we share, strengthen us to
share your love with others. Amen.

Week Three—Lord of Hospitality
Blessed are you, Lord of Hospitality.
You welcome all with open arms.
No one is a stranger to your love and concern.
Remove the fear and hesitation that keep us
From moving beyond the known and comfortable.
Help us rejoice in the personal and cultural differences
That proclaim your multi-hued love.
Draw all people together in praise of the God who is One.

All: Lord, hear us and keep us in your love.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer and Reflection - Lenten Moments: Fasting That Pleases God

Focusing Scripture: Isaiah 58:1-9
Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of injustice,
to undo the thongs of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover them,
and not to hide yourself from your own kin? 

Theme: Fasting that pleases God.
In the Scripture reading, Isaiah is clear that the Lord has little time for acts of worship that are empty. Why fast for a day if you’re only going to think about yourself? Why give alms if you’re going to abuse your workers? If our worship is real, we can’t help but be in the business of removing chains of oppression, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked.

Family Moment
How well do you worship the Lord?

Living the Message
Re-read Isaiah 58:6-7. Choose a way to do one of the things which Isaiah suggests.

Prayer Moment
Lord, teach us what it really means to worship you. Help my light shine like the dawning sun because of how I reach out to those in need. Amen.

Friday, March 9, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Lenten Moments: Take Up Your Cross

Focusing Scripture: Luke 9:22-25
"If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it. What does it profit them if they gain the whole world, but lose or forfeit themselves?"

Theme: Take up your cross.
How hard it is to forget about ourselves! Particularly in a culture which screams the opposite in so many ways. We being to feel entitled to what we want, to the detriment of others. Jesus preaches about losing ourselves, becoming as nothing. It takes this gutsy kind of living to carry the cross with him.

Reflective Moment
What does Jesus mean when he says we have to forget about ourselves? What does he mean when he says we have to take up our crosses each day and follow him? What cross do we carry?

Living the Message
A person in your family, at school, at work or in your community might be carrying a particularly heavy cross right now. Figure out a way you can help.

Prayer Moment
Place a cross in a prayer place in the center of your home. Every time you notice the cross today pray, “Jesus, be with me as I carry my cross and as I help others carry theirs. Amen.”

Thursday, March 8, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Prayer With The Gospels of Lent

These readings can be used in daily prayer through the weeks of Lent or at any other appropriate time in the course of an individual's spiritual life.  Through the course of these readings one will become immersed in the story and the experience of the Passion and Death of Christ.

Some Tips for Daily Prayer:

*Select a time and a place that is well suited to quiet prayer. Establish a schedule for prayer and stick to it as much as possible. 

*As you begin, realize that God is really present and desires to draw closer to you.

*Ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide in this time of prayer and seek her inspiration.

*You may want to begin your time of prayer with these (or similar) words;

Preparatory Prayer
Lord, may all my intentions, actions and operations be directed purely to the service and praise of your Divine Majesty.

The Grace I seek...(name the graces you seek God's help in achieving)

John 11:1-44     -  Raising of Lazarus

Matthew 26:6-16     -  Supper at Bethany

Matthew 21:1-11     -  Palm Sunday

Matthew 26:17-30   -  Last Supper

John 13:1-17            - Washing of the Feet

Matthew 26:31-46   - Agony in the Garden

Matthew 26:47-56   -  Arrest

John 18:12-27 + Matthew 26:57-75    - Jesus before the Council at night.

Luke 22:66-71          -  Jesus before the Council in the Morning

Luke 23:1-25 + John 18:28 - 19:16   - Jesus before Pilate and Herod

Luke 23:26 - 32        -The Way of the Cross

Luke 23:33-49          -The Crucifixion

Two Ways Of Praying with Scripture:

Ignatian Contemplation (Imaginative Prayer):

This method of prayer lends itself well to passages in both the Old and New Testaments that portray persons, places and actions, especially events in the life of Christ.  It takes into account the fact that everything we have is a gift from our God and can become a tool for growing closer to our Lord, including our imaginations.

     *Begin by reading the passage over slowly to yourself.  Begin to use your  imagination to create the scene in your mind.

     *Try to see, contemplating each person in the scene.  Where are they standing? What do they look like? What are they wearing? What expressions are on their faces? Give a prolonged look, above all, to the person of Jesus himself (if he is featured in the passage in question).  Do not try to explain or understand, just take some time to look around.

     *Try to listen, paying attention to spoken or even implied words.  What might they mean? Who might they be speaking to? Does their meaning change when these words are directed at your?

     *Observe what the people in the scene do.  What are their names (even if the passage does not give them one)? What might their history be, their sufferings, personal quests, challenges and joys? How do they react? Note their gestures, feelings and attitudes especially of Jesus if he is present.

     *Place yourself actively in the scene. Allow yourself to be involved in what is happening. Besides seeing and listening, try to touch and feel the flavor of what you are experiencing in prayer.  Think 'affectively' about your time in this place; How do you feel? What joys or challenges do you feel you should pay attention to as a result of spending time in this place?

End your time of prayer with an intimate thank-you and farewell to God.  You might use the words of the Lord's Prayer or words of your own choosing.  Take time to jot down any thoughts or feelings this experience had left you with in a journal (if you have one).

Lectio Divina;

Lectio (reading):

Begin by reading the passage slowly.  Take time to let the words sink into your spirit, your soul. Allow your self time to slowly awaken to prayer.  Gradually allow a word or phrase to choose you.  Let it touch you, resonate with you. Savor it, repeat it, breath the word or words in and out and let them  saturate you.

As you do this, you will begin to wonder why they have touched you in this way, why they have attracted your attention. This is a natural progression to the next step...

Meditatio (meditating)

Now you begin to ask questions about these words;  What is God saying to me? Why these words? Why today, in this moment?  What connection do they have to what is going on in my life right now?

What are you trying to say to me God?

Like squeezing the juice from a grape to make wine, you are searching for the particular meaning these words have for you, their connection to your life, your own situation.  Why do you need to hear this right now?

At some point you may realize just what it is you need from these words, a personal epiphany or 'a ha!'  Allow this new insight or understanding to sink in and to move you.  Spend an appropriate amount of time simply allowing this insight to sink in with all of it's joys, challenges and implications.

Realize that God has spoken to your heart.  The natural flow of things is to respond...

Oratio (praying)

Touched deeply by the Word God has spoken, allow yourself to speak spontaneously to God. Speak, sing, celebrate, laugh or cry...are you moved to praise God, or give thanks?  Are you moved to tears, of sorrow? Of Joy?  Are you energized to act, to do something?  Speak to God about how you feel...lift your heart and mind to God, and then return to repeating the word in
your heart. Notice the changes in yourself as you pray with this phrase through this new insight.

Contemplatio (contemplation)

Contemplation is a simple, loving gaze one upon another. Spend quite time now alone with God. You have heard God's word, you have experienced God's desire for you, you have spoken simply sit in the silent presence of God.  Just 'be' together.  This is the goal of Lectio Divina, this silent unity with God.

The first three steps move us from greater action, to lesser action, and finally to inaction...simple being.

End your time of prayer with an intimate thank-you and farewell to God.  You might use the words of the Lord's Prayer or words of your own choosing.  Take time to jot down any thoughts or feelings this experience had left you with in a journal (if you have one).

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Litany Prayer: Growing in Gratefulness and Generosity

Loving God, bless our family. Help us to be a family of gratitude.
Leader and Family
For education                                
May we be grateful, Lord.

For health and safety                    
May we be grateful, Lord.

For food and drink                        
May we be grateful, Lord.

For clothing and shelter                
May we be grateful, Lord.

For work and security                  
May we be grateful, Lord.
Help us to be a family of generosity.
Leader and Family
With learning and with fun
May we be generous, Lord.

With helping others to be healthy and safe
May we be generous, Lord.

With food and drink
May we be generous, Lord.

With clothing and shelter
May we be generous, Lord.

With work and security
May we be generous, Lord.
We pray for a blessed Lent and a holy preparation for Easter.
We pray this in the name of your son, Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Spiritual Directive: Cry Inward

A split between divinity and humanity has taken place in you. With your divinely endowed center you know God's will, God's way, God's love. But your humanity is cut off from that. Your many human needs for affection, attention, and consolation are living apart from your divine sacred space. Your call is to let these two parts of yourself come together again.

You have to move gradually from crying outward - crying out for people who you think can fulfill your needs - to crying inward to the place where you can let yourself be held and carried by God, who has become incarnate in the humanity of those who love you in community. No one person can fulfill all of your needs, but the community can truly hold you. The community can let you experience the fact that, beyond your anguish, there are human hands that hold you and show you God's faithful love.

- Henri J. M. Nouwen "The Inner Voice Of Love"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Face-To-Face Lenten Mission A Tremendous Success!

We have been profoundly moved by the way the Holy Spirit worked within the Face-to-face Mission Team and our entire parish to gift us with such a faith-filled and spiritually healing event.  After tallying up all of the numbers, more than 270 people from every single age group enjoyed the lively music, comedic and thought provoking skits, and inspiring, faith building talks led by Ken Yasinski and the Face-to-Face team.

Saturday opened with a prayer and blessing for the Mission led by Father Antony and then exploded with music, praise and worship as Ken and his team  led two action-filled songs to get our Mission off to a rousing start. From the very beginning the participation across generational lines was deeply moving. From 7-70 and beyond, not a single soul bowed out of full, active and joy-filled participation. These music moments would punctuate our activities throughout the weekend to the great and much anticipated joy of all participants.

Themes moved us from identifying that we have a created purpose and, how important it is for us to live out that purpose. As Ken began, "Using an object for something other than its intended purpose breaks the object", a line of thought illustrated by story from his own childhood involving a group of family members, a motor boat and a canoe...and no moms to stop the insanity that ensued!

These pearls of common sense wisdom and, often intimate sharing of true life experiences flavored the entire experience from beginning to end and helped to draw everyone into the deeply personal relationship the Face-to-Face team sought to forge throughout the weekend.

These themes led naturally to an examination of our individual and collective need for healing and restoration through the sacrament of Reconciliation. In ways both gentle and inspiring, Ken led all gathered into a deeper appreciation of the great gift of this Sacrament to the Church and to us, God's most beloved children. The subsequent opportunity for individual confession afterwards involved perhaps the highest level of participation that our parish has seen at a reconciliation event. nearly every single participant took part in the sacrament with one of the six visiting priests in attendance. For many, this was the first time celebrating this encounter with Christ's unconditional love in many years.

The evening began our examination of just what purpose God has created us for - that of no less than Sainthood - described by Ken as "the life goal that should trump all other life goals" who went on to remind that "it's one thing to have the goal of sainthood, but you also need a plan". It is a plan that involves visualizing the qualities of sainthood one would like to have,  the practices or habits that would help foster those qualities, and the pledge to begin implementing those habits in the present rather than the future.

Perhaps the highest point for all involved was the deeply moving Adoration and Benediction held by candlelight,  and interspersed with soft song, silence, and an invitation to make a dedication or re-dedication of one's life to Christ. This was perhaps one of the most beautiful, and emotionally moving parts of the entire weekend. Feedback was immediate, and continuous. For many of our participants, this was the first time they consciously and intentionally offered their lives to Christ. For most this Spirit-filled was simply too profound to put into words, "It has to be experienced, you just can't describe it to anyone", said one participant.

Sunday morning wrapped up with the formation of a step-by-step plan to realistically achieve our life's goal and mission, to be a saint through the disciplines of prayer, fasting, fellowship, formation in the faith, and participation in the Sacramental Life of Christ - especially in the Eucharist. A realistic, achievable plan that encourages us to develop new habits in order to change old ones and so grow in holiness and fulfill the only purpose that really matters, to be more Christ-like and in so doing, bring the face of Christ with us into the world.

Mass, with music led by the Face-to-Face team, was the perfect capstone to this perfect weekend filled with food, fellowship and faith all shared in and through the Spirit of Christ. We have been inundated with a stream of requests for more events like these in general and more events with the Face-to-Face team in particular. I can assure everyone that we will indeed be holding more Parish Missions and similar events and activities on a more regular basis here at Christ the King and are in fact in dialogue now with the team looking at other ways we might avail ourselves of their talents through our local schools and in our sacramental and faith formation programs.

We are so very blessed to have had this amazing opportunity in our parish. From my conversations with many of those in attendance it has been a faith changing experience for a number of our parish family members. Indeed, it has been like fresh water and a soothing stream for myself and an inspiration to my own ministry in this wonderful and remarkable family of faith.  I continue to praise and bless God for having given me the opportunity to share it with you all.

If you would like to connect with the Face-To-Face Ministry team and/or offer continued support for their ministry the following links will be of great help; - Their Homepage
Face to Face Ministries - Facebook
Face to Face Video Blog - Short, Bi-Weekly video clips on a variety of topics
Face to Face: Our Music - Loved the Songs? Want More? Support their on-going ministry by purchasing a CD of their favorite praise and worship songs.
Support Face to Face - Providing on-line opportunities to support their ministry work in Saskatchewan and Western Canada.

You can also keep up to date with Face to Face and a host of other ministries and resources through our own parish facebook page; CTKRegina and by following us on twitter @CTKRegina

Peace and God Bless,


40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Lenten Prayer Week Three

Lenten Prayers - Week Three

Second Sunday of Lent
“Lord, it is good for us to be here!”
(Matthew 17:4)

“Our God, you keep us safe. Now
help us! Rescue us.” (Psalm 79:9)

O Lord, help me be the servant of
others. (see Matthew 23:11)

“You are faithful, and I trust you
because you rescued me.” (Psalm 31:5)

Lord, you bless those who trust in
you. (see Jeremiah 17:7)

I trust you, O Lord, and I
remember your miracles and
wonders in my life! (see Psalm 105:5)

“With all my heart I praise the
Lord, and with all that I am I praise
his holy name!”
(Psalm 103:1)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

40 Days of Prayer and Reflection - Table Prayers For Lent

Blessing for the Family Meal
Bless us, Lord, and the food we are about to eat. May our love
for one another, and the food we share, strengthen us to
share your love with others. Amen.

Week Two—Lord of Growth
Blessed are you, Lord of Growth
You grew up, like us, in a family
Where love and support were daily needs.
Help us to share the best of ourselves with our family,
To affirm each other’s growth and cherish each other’s gifts.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, our brother, Amen!

All: Lord, hear us and keep us in your love.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

40 Days Of Prayer And Reflection - Lenten Moments: Lenten Practices

Focusing Scripture: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them; for then you have no reward from your Father in heaven. 
Theme: Lenten practices.
Show-offs can be really annoying, can’t they? And we think, “Oh, how foolish they are.” Of course it’s not possible that we flaunt our good deeds, is it? No, only other people do that. Well, apparently, the Jesus who knows us so well also knows that our tendency might be to show off—to make sure everyone knows how holy and righteous we are. He assures us that this is really a lousy use of our energy, that quiet devotion and sacrifice are more pleasing to God than showy demonstrations.
Reflective Moment
Which Lenten practices is your family observing? How are you being faithful to these practices?
Living the Message
Do a quiet act of kindness for another person today.
Prayer Moment
Lord, may we be steadfast and faithful in our Lenten practice. (You might list some of the things you are doing for Lent and pray for the grace to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself.) Through the grace of your son, and the power of your Spirit, give us the energy and the perseverance to stick with our Lenten commitments. Amen.