
Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Week of Advent - On The Watch

As the season of Advent begins we are called together as the People of God to prepare a space in our lives for the Messiah to be born into and take root. Over the next four weeks we will share with you a series of prayers and reflections for each week of this very special beginning to the Liturgical cycle of our Church. Portions of these prayers and reflections will be used at our Sunday celebrations throughout Advent and they have been made available in our parish entrances for people to use at home. In sharing these prayers you are joining together with our entire parish community in centering our hearts and souls on the Good News that this season heralds, the Messiah indeed is coming and "...the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”

Let us Pray;

“All-powerful God, increase our strength of will for doing good that Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming and call us to his side in the kingdom of heaven, where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

Read Isaiah 2:1-5
“...For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. ”

Let's begin this week with a deeply felt prayer. Even if we don't know exactly what we need or long for, today, let's try to express our desire for God's help and assistance.
The readings invite us to be prepared and to be hopeful. This week I could ask for the grace to grow in anticipation of what the Lord is offering me and to ready my heart
to receive it gratefully. What renewal, what end of "hostilities" is our Lord offering me?

Lord God, help me to be a peacemaker and to give special love to those who disagree with me. Give me the strength and courage to forgive those who have hurt me. Help me to free my heart from anger and hurt.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Advent Twilight Retreat

The weeks leading up to Christmas tend to get increasingly hectic as time runs on. Why not treat yourself to an evening of calm, quiet and reflection on those ways God is calling you to find comfort and peace in Him? Let this be our heart-felt gift to you.

Participants will be introduced and invited to share in the Lectio Divina or 'Holy Words' method of praying with the Gospels of Advent and Christmas. This ancient contemplative practice is being increasingly promoted by our Church as a means of steeping our lives in the living Word of God helping us to discover the underlying spiritual rhythm of our daily lives.

Experience the kind of peace and consolation that only God's eternal Word can bring. Please join us, please pray with us on Tuesday November 30th at 7:00pm in the Parish Centre.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our next Youth Group event - St. Nick Ring 'n Run

The Christ the King Youth Group (grade 7 and up) is having a great event on December 17th. The St. Nick Ring 'n' Run will be a blast! Intrigued? Want to know more? Want to come? Want to bring a friend?!
Drop an email to or call Laura or Pierre at 584-4140 and we can fill you in on all the details.
***Parents, don't worry, the Ring 'n Run is totally legal!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our next Youth Group meeting - Mission Possible!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CTK Updates - Week of November 14, 2010 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Peace and Blessings to You All,

I have to say, it was very nice to hear Father Antony thank, and recognize the new influx of altar servers at the Sunday Mass this past weekend. All, in all we have been quite blessed at having new people enter into various ministries that haven't done so before. God is indeed working well, and deeply within our parish community. One challenge that we have had is in finding people who are willing and able to serve in different areas and/or on more than a single weekend in a month. I know it sounds funny, but you would almost think people don't gather to celebrate the Lord's Supper with our family here at CTK on a weekly basis!

Believe me, I know from the struggles we've had with our own family that it can be a challenge to re-order and properly prioritize our lives so that there is even a fraction of space left for things like helping at the Church or worshiping with one's parish family on a regularly. Sometimes it seems as though everybody in our lives wants just one more little bit, of our time, of our gifts, of ourselves. It's easy to get annoyed at the seemingly endless requests for giving away more of our lives. We are assailed with guilt when we even begin to wonder whether our kids need to be involved in everything that interested them, or we become afraid that if we don't do this thing or that thing for this person or that person, that we will have somehow failed them, or ourselves.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and wondering what the solution might be. A solution to the anxiety, to the worry, to the fear that we will be pulled apart if we give too much. A solution to the terrifying question at the heart of it all, "What if there isn't anything left for me?" As I said, I've been thinking about this and wondering about this and then, lo and behold, wouldn't you know it, but another story pops out of the universe and right into my lap! It's a familiar scene from the gospels, Jesus and his meeting with Simon the fisherman and how Simon struggled with many of these very same question when Jesus turned to him and said "Follow Me.";

"Lord, You Can Use My Boat" by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

"Nice boat." Simon looked up from mending his nets to see a tall man touching his boat. It was Jesus, whom he'd first met down in Judea where Simon had been listening to John the Baptizer. This Jesus was a teacher too, or so Simon had heard. Jesus was running his hands along Simon's boat, admiring the handiwork. "Very smooth," he said.

"Benjamin the boatmaker finished it last fall," said Simon. "Last boat he made before he died."

Jesus examined the planks along the side of the craft. "It looks tight," he said, "Mortise and tenon joinery. Must have taken a long time to make."

"A long time is right!" Simon put down his nets. Talking was a lot more enjoyable than mending. "Benjamin and his son took seven months. I thought they'd never finish. And he charged me a pretty penny. But then, I probably have the best boat on the lake." Simon got up and came over to the boat pulled up on the rocky beach. "You look like you know something about wood."

"I'm a carpenter like my father," Jesus said, extending his hand. "Mind if I look at the stern?" Without waiting, Jesus climbed into the boat and examined it carefully. "Benjamin built you an excellent boat," he said as he climbed out. "By the way, I'll be teaching this evening along the beach. I was wondering if you could assist me getting the crowd seated tonight. I need a helper, if you'd be so kind."

"Glad to help, Jesus." He liked to be needed, and he liked the fact that a carpenter had pronounced his boat the masterpiece Simon knew it was.

That evening, after all were seated, Simon listened; "The blind man you see healed before you is evidence of God's power among you to heal your life, set you free, and give you joy! The Kingdom of God is here," Jesus had preached. "Turn around and get your life right with God!" This Jesus taught with a firm authority, and boldness that left the self-righteous speechless and brought the common people to tears. As the sun set and the people got up to leave, Simon himself had been shaken. Here he was, a loud and profane fisherman. Was he ready for God's Kingdom and Messiah? He was a good fisherman, yes. But a good man? Not really.

No time for reflection now. Capernaum's fleet was getting ready to put out for another night of fishing. Simon and his brother Andrew pushed the boat off the beach and gave it a running start before jumping in themselves. They rowed out a few hundred feet and cast the first of many nets. They would be busy all night casting, then hauling in, casting and hauling in. Just as dawn began to streak the sky with pink, Simon and Andrew threw out their final net of the night, ready to head in, sell their catch, and get some sleep. It had been a long night, but a better catch than most this week.

"Si-mon," a voice echoed across the water. "Si-mon." Simon watched the net sink below the surface of the lake and then looked up. It was Jesus. Jesus, whose words of the Kingdom of God had challenged and gnawed at him all night as he had toiled.

"Si-mon." The call came a third time. Simon lifted his hand in recognition.

"Follow me!" The word was sharp, short, demanding. "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Fishers of men? Catching men rather than fish? What could he mean? But Jesus was calling. He was calling now!

The net was still in the water where Simon had thrown it, floats still bobbing, still there to trap some unsuspecting fish. But the fish wouldn't find its way to a breakfast table this morning, because both Simon and Andrew were over the side and swimming to shore. Dripping, they dropped to their knees before Jesus. "Simon." Simon could feel the Teacher's hand on his wet, tangled hair. "Simon, follow me."

Simon looked up. "Yes, Lord, I'll follow. Where are you going?"

"You'll see," said Jesus, pulling Simon's arm gently as a sign for him to get up. "And Simon, I'll need your boat."

His brand new boat, pride of the town fleet? What did Jesus want with the boat? Simon looked up. "Umm...Sure, you can use it," he replied slowly, "...during the day, when Andrew and I don't need it."

"I may need it more than that," Jesus insisted. "You own the boat, don't you?"

"Of course, Lord, I own it outright. It took me three years to earn enough extra to pay for it."

"And you've decided to follow me, haven't you, Simon?"

"Yes, of course, Lord."

"Then your boat needs to follow me, too," replied Jesus. "Not just you, but everything you are and own need to follow me, to be at my call whenever and wherever I need them."

Simon was ashamed. "Yes, Lord. Please take my fishing boat. Use it whenever you need it.... I really want you to. Forgive my selfishness."

"You have a house, Simon?"

"Yes, Lord, I have a house."

"I need to use that, too."

"My house?"

"Yes, your house."

"Eh, Jesus. How can I say this? My mother-in-law lives with us and she isn't very well right now. I'm not sure we should disturb her, with her fever and all."

"Your boat and your house and you must follow me, Simon."

"Yes, Lord."

"And I'll care of your mother-in-law, you'll see. Why don't you lead the way?"

"Yes, Lord," said Simon, and he and Jesus and Andrew walked up from the beach into town as the sun peeked over the hills.

Parish News

Anyone interested in a book of CWL raffle tickets to purchase or sell, please call Della at 586-4469. All proceeds to CWL charities.

To help with your Christmas and Holiday planning here are the times when our parish Community will be gathering to offer worship to God and share the Eucharist which is, of course, the focus and font of all our other celebrations and traditions;

December 24: 7:00 p.m.
December 25: Midnight & 10:00 a.m. - Christmas Day; A Holy Day of Obligation
December 26: 10:00 a.m. - Sunday Mass - Feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
December 31: 5:00 p.m. - A Special Mass of Thanksgiving for the blessings of this past year...NOT an anticipated January 1st Mass
January 1: 10:00 a.m. - Feast of Mary, Mother of God; A Holy Day of Obligation
January 2: 10:00 a.m. - Regular Sunday Mass

As both Christmas and The Feast of Mary, Mother of God fall on Saturday's this year, and both are Holy Days of Obligation, these very important feast supersede any anticipated Masses a parish may do prior to their regular Sunday celebrations. Practically this means that for Saturday December 25th and Saturday January 1st we are unable to have our usual Saturday Evening celebrations of the Anticipated Sunday Mass. These extremely important feasts must always be celebrated in place of any regular anticipated masses in a parish.

Questions about the scheduling of Mass times for Holy Days of Obligation (like Christmas and January 1st) or Sunday Masses verses anticipated Masses in general? Our Bishops have had a lot to say on the matter and, thanks to the wonders of the internet, now you can read all about it in the comfort of your home or wherever you happen to be; CCCB on The Celebration of Christmas Masses -

FAITH ALIVE – 100th Anniversary History Book – 1910 – 2010 - Order yours today!
To order one of these beautiful Hardcover Pictorial History Books use the forms provided in the bulletin and submit to the parish office, or call the parish office to order your book(s).The books are $30 each. Make cheques payable to Christ the King Parish.

Living With Christ Sunday Missals Now Available;
These handy books are invaluable aids to preparing ourselves and our families to celebrate the Mass each Sunday. In them you will find the readings for every Sunday of the Liturgical year beginning with the First Sunday of Advent as well as the parts of the Mass and the most common Catholic prayers. Living with Christ Sunday Missals for Adults are $5.00 each and can be found in both entrances to our Church.

NEW! Living with Christ Sunday Missal for Young Catholics
These new missals contain all of the readings and Mass parts that our regular Sunday Missals have, but presented in an attractive and accessible manner for your young Catholics. These Living With Christ Sunday Missals for Young Catholics are $6.00 each and can be found in the main entrance to our Church.


First Reconciliation Family Meeting - Wednesday November 17 6:30pm
This is the first of two preparation meetings for children and their families enrolled in our fall First Reconciliation Program. Meetings are in the parish Hall and will last approximately one hour.

Altar Server Practice - Wednesday November 17th 4:00pm
A chance for all servers to meet with coordinator Maggie Gilmore and our Pastor Fr. Antony and to walk through what altar serving is all about. With a new Pastor it is especially important to all servers to meet with him and learn about the different things he would like to see done at the altar. It is also a great time for our veteran servers to get to know our brand new helpers!

Mass Coordinator Training - Wednesday November 17th 7:00pm
An opportunity for new Mass coordinators to meet with Fr. Antony and to learn about new and exciting changes to this very important ministry. All persons who wish to help out in this area must attend this session.

SILENT AUCTION - November 21 & December 5, 2010
L.O.O.K. PROJECT (Linking Orphan Outreach in Kenya)
We ask for your support for L.O.O.K. by attending our Silent Auction and placing a bid on a variety of arts and crafts and baskets of products and services that have been donated by talented people and businesses in our parish. With the blessed Christmas Season approaching, this is a wonderful opportunity to bring cheer to Orphan-headed families in Kenya and to find a delightful gift for a loved one on your Christmas list. Auction Items will be on display for bidding in CHRIST THE KING PARISH HALL on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21st and SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 2010. We LOOK forward to your attendance and support for our families in Kenya.

Advent Prayer Materials Available This Weekend
Advent begins in just two short weeks. Time to prepare your family to enter into this Advent season on the right foot. In both entrances to the Church you will find a variety of table prayers, wreath prayers and reflections on the readings of Advent. There is no cost for any of these materials.

Seeking Your Stories
These days, for better or worse, being a part of a faith community is largely a voluntary choice. This begs the question...why? Why Christ the King parish? What was it and/or is it that draws you to call our parish community home? Is there a particular incident that comes to mind? A person, an event, a celebration that moved you to make us a part of your family? Have you been here so long that all you know is it 'feels like home' every time you walk in the door? We would love for you to share with us your stories about why you have made Christ the King parish a part of your life. Email your stories (300 wrds or less) to Have you heard a friend's story and found it inspiring too? Please encourage them to share it with us!

Some Inspiration

Atheism and Belief - Ron Rolheiser OMI;

Father Barron Comments on Stephen Hawking and Tired Atheism;

Social media can be your friend -

Pope Benedict Speaks Out on the Catholic Church and the Bible;

"Verbum Domini" - The Word of the Lord - Pope Benedict XVI's latest encyclical on the need for all Christians to better understand the Sacred Scriptures;

Pope offers guide on how 'lectio divina' meditation works;

How to Practice Lectio Divina A step-by-step guide to praying the Bible ;

Prayer Before Reading the Bible (1)
Merciful God, anoint me with your Holy Spirit.
And as I read your word, let me hear your voice speaking to me from within.
Give me wisdom to understand your message to me.
Let your word be the joy of my heart and the lamp to my feet.
Give me strength to build my life on your word.
Let it be done unto me according to your word.
May I rejoice in the blessedness of hearing your word and keeping it.
Speak Lord, your servant is listening…
Thank you Jesus… Praise you Lord..God's Word, made flesh. Amen.

Prayer Before Reading The Bible (2)
Father, anoint me with your Holy Spirit, so that as I read your eternal word, your word may
penetrate my whole being and transform me. Grant me the blessing to be a faithful disciple in
believing the Word of God and that I may be a light shining upon all who are in darkness. Amen

Sharing These Updates and Signing up
Are you enjoying having these updates, reminders, articles, videos and stories emailed to you each week? Have a friend who would love to get in on the action? You are hereby officially encouraged to share the love by forwarding this email to whomever you like, consider it a part (just a part...don't get all excited now and think you're off the hook completely) of your own efforts to evangelize and share the Good News.

Did a friend send this to you and now you're so excited about staying up to date on what's going on in our CTK family that you can't wait to sign up for yourself? The very first thing you need to do is thank that friend! Buy them a coffee, babysit their kids, take them out for dinner, maybe invite them on a cruise.

Getting yourself on the list is simple, just email ( me a request like; "Hey Eric, you're so nice and cool and the parish's updates are probably the most exciting thing I've ever found in my inbox...and you're pretty handsome too. Could you please add me to the parish email list?" Something like that. Then just sit back and enjoy weekly digital goodness from your parish who loves you.


Peace and God Bless,

Eric Gurash - Pastoral Assistant
Christ the King Church
3239 Garnet Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tel. 306 586-9020
Fax.306 584-7633
Web Site:
CTK Parish Blog:
Follow Us on Twitter:
Become a CTK Fan on Facebook:
NEW! Our CTKRegina YouTube Channel:

"The whole earth is quiet and still,it is glad and hath rejoiced!" (Isaiah 14:7)

Friday, November 12, 2010

November 14, 2010 - Intercessory Prayers




NOVEMBER 14, 2010


  1. Let us pray for Christians,

          empowered to bring God's blessings into all creation,

    We pray to you Lord,

RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


  1. Let us pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life,

    that our young men and women may respond openly and freely to

    this very special call of the Spirit in their lives,

    We pray to you Lord,

RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


  1. Let us pray for those who have died in wars,

    that we may never forget their sacrifice,

    while we work as instruments of peace in the world,

We pray to you, Lord,

RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


4. Let us pray f or the children of our parish who are preparing for the

    sacrament of Reconciliation, who through their enrollment this weekend

    and their preparation, may come to know the love of Jesus,

ever day in their lives,

    We pray to you Lord,

    RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


  1. Let us pray for those members of our parish community who are

    participating in the Great Adventure Bible Study program,

    that they may be deeply inspired by the Word of God,

    and moved to act on His Word in their lives.

    We pray to you Lord,

    RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


6. Let us pray for those who are ill,

    that they may feel God's healing touch upon them,

We pray to you Lord,

RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.


7. Let us now pray in silence for our personal intentions,

(Pause 5-7 seconds)

We pray to you Lord,

RESPONSE: Lord, hear our prayer.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CTK Updates - Week of November 7, 2010 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Greetings And the Blessings of Christ Be With You!

We finally did it! We have at long last had our new pastor, Father Sathiadas Antony properly and duly installed. The instructions were printed up-side down, they were all in Swedish and a few screws were loose, but we managed to 'git-er-done' with relatively few bumps and scratches. As we were unpacking the rest of his parts, just prior to Mass, we did find the following odd scrap of paper. It seems to be all that remains of the original, English instructions that came with this particular model. Still, the information it contains is quite pertinent and so I will share it with you here;

It has come to our attention that the pastor you received was shipped with a slight defect: he is not psychic. This defect necessitates certain special procedures to ensure optimum performance of your unit.

*It is necessary to inform him of any members who are hospitalized.
*It is necessary to inform him of any members who should be added to the "shut-in" list.
*If someone you know is sick or otherwise in need of the pastor's prayers, or if you know of someone who should be included in the prayers on Sunday morning, the pastor must be told, or he won't know.
*If you are in need of a pastoral visit or some other service from the pastor, you will get best results if you ask him.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause. If these special procedures create an undue burden, please feel free to send the unit back, and one with full psychic abilities will be shipped as soon as one becomes available.

Still, the celebration this past weekend was quite wonderful and we have heard nothing but excited and positive comments about the whole thing from beginning to end. A special thanks to all of the ministers who helped with the Mass, the Lectors with their faith-filled proclaiming, the servers who were so reverent and professional, the music ministry whose combined choir truly helped the whole congregation lift heart and mind to God, the parish breakfast crew who put on such a wonderful and filling meal afterward, and all of those behind the scenes who every single weekend make CTK the best place in the world to offer God praise and thanksgiving.

A special thank-you also, to His Grace Archbishop Daniel Bohan for leading us in worship and installing our new pastor, and most especially to Father Antony himself, for putting up with us wild and crazy, yet truly loving and faith-filled nuts.

Stewardship Stories;
Each week you know I have been sharing a variety of stories relating to Stewardship and the call from God to give of ourselves for the building of the Kingdom. As last week drew to a close I was struggling to find something to share today. As I often do when stuck for ideas, I took some time to pray about it and spent even more time just waiting to see what God would provide.

Yesterday afternoon and evening I found myself at our weekly Great Adventure Bible Study where we were learning about and discussing the stories surrounding God and Abraham in the book of Genesis. At one point in the story, God, who has been promising over and over again to Abraham that he and his wife would one day give rise to a great and kingly nation, asks Abraham to give back the son, his and Sarah's only son that was to have been the fulfillment of this promise. This is the story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac a story of faithfulness in the face of a great trial. In it, Abraham, whom we often call the 'Father of Faith' is faced with having to return to God that which God has not only given to him, but the very gift that Abraham and his wife had been waiting their entire lives for, the very gift that was to ensure that their own lives had not been lived in vain.

Just take a moment to read's such an amazing tale;

It struck me then and resonates with me still. Throughout their relationship God is asking Abraham again and again, "Do you trust me?" Do you trust me when I say your name will be great? Do you trust me when I tell you that a land flowing with milk and honey will be yours? Do you trust me when I say that through you, all the nations of the world will be blessed?

Do you trust me...even if it looks like I am taking away what you've worked hard for, what you've earned, what is precious to you? Do you trust me even if it looks like I am breaking my promise to you?

When it comes to our role as stewards of what we have been gifted with, this very same question, this very same story must resonate within our own hearts. "Do you trust me?" God asks.

I invite you to read again and again this story of Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac and ask yourself this question; "Are there any Isaacs in my own life, things that I hold very near and dear to my own heart, Isaacs of Time, of Talent, of Treasure, and do I trust God enough to give them away for His glory and His divine purpose?"

Parish News
The CWL fundraising bake sale is Sunday, Nov. 21st. If you wish to donate baking, it can be brought to the parish hall between 3:00 and 5:00 pm on Sat, Nov. 20th or dropped off before Mass on Sunday. If you are unable to donate, please support us by purchasing baking. Call Marlene Hoffman at 586-6948 if you have any questions.

“...and there is no limit to the blessings which God can send you – he will make sure that you will always have all you need for yourselves in every possible circumstance....” (2 Corinthians 9:8).
The call of the Commitment to the Future is a call for growth in faith – to believe in the promise extended by God through the words of Scripture. Respond in faith, knowing and trusting that God recognizes your sacrificial willingness to live the message of the Gospel. Commit to the Future.

First Reconciliation - Parent's Information Evening Wednesday November 10, 2010 6:30 PM

The time has come once again to invite the children of our parish family in grades four and up to prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I’m sure you agree that each step of your child’s journey in faith is a time of joy and excitement and Reconciliation is no exception. Our program for First Reconciliation Preparation for this year will consist of three sessions. The first of these session will be held on Wednesday November 10th at 6:30 PM in the Hall. Please note that this first meeting is for parents only. To learn more about the preparations, the sacrament itself, or to register your child follow this link;

Remembrance Day - Thursday November 11, 2010
The office will be closed for this day of remembrance. We will re-open with our regular hours on Friday November 12.

First Reconciliation Enrollment - Saturday November 13 5:00pm and Sunday November 14 10:00am

The Children who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time will be officially enrolled in our fall program, assured of our community's prayers and support, and presented with their workbook materials at both weekend Masses. Registered families who attended the November 10th meeting are only required to attend one of these celebrations.

First Reconciliation Family Meeting - Wednesday November 17 6:30pm
This is the first of two preparation meetings for children and their families enrolled in our fall First Reconciliation Program. Meetings are in the parish Hall and will last approximately one hour.

Seeking Your Stories
These days, for better or worse, being a part of a faith community is largely a voluntary choice. This begs the question...why? Why Christ the King parish? What was it and/or is it that draws you to call our parish community home? Is there a particular incident that comes to mind? A person, and event, a celebration that moved you to make us a part of your family? Have you been here so long that all you know is it 'feels like home' every time you walk in the door? We would love for you to share with us your stories about why you have made Christ the King parish a part of your life. Email your stories (300 wrds or less) to Have you heard a friend's story and found it inspiring too? Please encourage them to share it with us!

Some Inspiration;
Stories of Our Great Adventure
What a story! I have heard so many Bible stories at Mass throughout the years but I've never understood them in the way I'm beginning to do so now. The foreshadowing that occurs at the beginning in Genesis is so powerful. What struck me most this week was when God asks Abraham to take his only son Isaac and offer him up as a sacrifice. Abraham was faithful to God and did as he asked. On the way, Isaac asks "where is the Lamb for the sacrifice?" and Abraham says, "God will provide the Lamb". As Abraham was about to kill his Son, God calls out to him and tells him "Stop!". There in the bushes is a ram, which he has Abraham sacrifice instead. I've heard this story many times but not until it was pointed out in the Bible Study session did I realize that it was not a lamb! The sacrificial lamb was yet to come in Jesus. Over the years we've lost the story, we don't really know what it means. I'm so glad that I'm able to understand the story and once it begins to make sense it really changes how you view God.
-Melissa Gurash The Great Adventure Bible Study at CTK

Seeking a Confessor - Ron Rolheiser OMI;

Touching our Loved Ones inside the Body of Christ;

Religious groups respond to gay bullying - CNS (Catholic News Service);

Lest We Forget - CTK Remebers;

How to use Twitter for Adults - So you're still not entirely sure about this whole Twitter thing. You get its popularity, but you're also an adult who doesn't want to submit to an overwhelming firehose of tweets. Web VIP Derek Powazek explains Twitter for Adults;

November 11th is the day we in Canada remember all of those who have died fighting for freedom and peace for our country, as well as protecting the freedoms, dignity and right to secure and peaceful lives for others. It is also, fittingly, the feast day of St. Martin of Tours patron of Soldiers, Against Impoverishment, Against Poverty, and Beggars. Below you will find a prayer to St. Martin, one of St. Martin's own prayers, as well as a prayer for those who have died as a result of war and conflict;

Prayer to St. Martin of Tours
Dear well-beloved Saint, you were first a soldier like your father.
Converted to the Church, you became a soldier of Christ, a priest and then a Bishop of Tours. Lover of the poor, and model for pagans and Christians alike, protect our soldiers at all times. Make them strong, just, and charitable, always aiming at establishing peace on earth. Amen.

St. Martin's Own Prayer
Lord, if your people still have need of my services, I will not avoid the toil. Your will be done. I have fought the good fight long enough. Yet if you bid me continue to hold the battle line in defense of your camp, I will never beg to be excused from failing strength. I will do the work you entrust to me. While you command, I will fight beneath your banner. Amen

Remembrance Day Prayer
Loving and compassionate God,
we pray for all who have labored for liberty, freedom and justice;
for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice;
for those who in life and death have preserved our living.
We pray also for those who have been victimized,
the innocent victims of war,
those who have suffered as a result of conflict and strife,
and those who have been
casualties of hatred and terror.
Grant that they may rest in your peace, and that we,
through our actions, may be found worthy to inherit
the eternal treasures of your kingdom. Amen.

Peace and God Bless,

Eric Gurash - Pastoral Assistant
Christ the King Church
3239 Garnet Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tel. 306 586-9020
Fax.306 584-7633
Web Site:
CTK Parish Blog:
Follow Us on Twitter:
Become a CTK Fan on Facebook:
NEW! Our CTKRegina YouTube Channel:

"The whole earth is quiet and still,it is glad and hath rejoiced!" (Isaiah 14:7)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

CTK Updates - Week of October 31, 2010 - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Happy Halloween Hangover!

As you and your goblins and ghouls are recovering from your sugar-rush headaches and the Halloween sniffles, here's a chance to sit back, relax for a bit, and get caught up on what's going on in our family of faith here at Christ the King.

My story offering today comes to us from Leo Sofer once again. So often in our lives we feel as though we cannot possibly do all that God and our Church invites us to do. We struggle with the reality that our time, our gifts, our talents do not seem to be our own. Our jobs require us to do this or that, our families and their needs require that we give up this or that, our own desire for recreation, entertainment, and novelty require that we give up this or that. Our lives can very often seem to be a prison we can see no way out of.

But what if we've been wrong this whole time? What if, rather than being imprisoned by the demands of the world around us, we have actually, really and truly, been free all along?

This is the basis of Mr. Sofer's series of three, nested and interwoven tales; A Prisoner in the King's dungeons realizes that the cell in which he has been rotting for ages is actually unlocked...A desert explorer ignores all warnings and ventures into the dragon's territory...A desperate man is pulled back from the brink of death by a small boy, and thereafter embarks on an extraordinary career...The Prisoner Who Was Actually Free;

Parish News
Looking for the Monthly Calendar?
Our Monthly Calendar is always available on-line at;

The needs are evident and they have been for many years – religious education of our young people, faith formation of adults, development of small faith-sharing groups, support for various ministries such as liturgy, social justice, etc. These needs are real. Our Commitment to the Future makes it possible to meet these needs. Your support in prayer, volunteer work for the Appeal, and through your sacrificial gift, it will make it possible to provide these services, and more importantly, to bring the message of the Gospel to all people. When people care – they share.

Collection Counters
Would you be interested in helping in our church? We are in the process of organizing the collection counter schedule for 2011. With the many wonderful parishioners we have now it requires that you count after Sunday mass every 7 or 8 weeks. The process takes about 1 hour after mass and training is provided. If you are interested in learning more please contact Cynthia Mack 586-2709 or Melissa in the office.

Anyone interested in a book of CWL raffle tickets to purchase or sell, please call Della at 5864469. All proceeds to CWL charities.

With cold and flu season soon upon us we would like to remind you that if you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, rather than shake hands at the sign of peace you can cross your arms across your chest and give a nod and say 'Peace be with you'. It is also advisable to refrain from taking from the cup when you are experiencing any cold or flu symptoms. We will ask that parishioners take this into account throughout the year as it is not only during cold/flu season that people experience these types of illnesses.

All Saints Day Mass: Monday November 1, 2010 7:00 PM
The Feast of All Saints is a holy day of the Church honoring all saints, known and unknown...On All Saints Day, we celebrate these saints of the Lord, and ask for their prayers and intercessions. The whole concept of All Saints Day is tied in with the concept of the Communion of Saints. This is the belief that all of God's people, on heaven, earth, and in the state of purification (called Purgatory in the West), are connected in a communion. We believe that the saints of God are just as alive as you and I, and are constantly interceding on our behalf. For More about this holy feast check out;

Christ the King All Saints Day Party!!
Dress up as your favorite saint and join us for an evening of games, crafts, snacks and Mass hosted by the CTK Youth Group. Everyone welcome! November 1, Christ the King Hall, 6 - 8:00 p.m. (Mass From 7pm - 8pm)
Cost: Donation basket at door Please RSVP to Laura O'Reilly @ 584-4140 or

Feast of All Souls Mass: Tuesday November 2, 2010 7:00 PM - Refreshments and fellowship to follow in the Hall after the Mass.
All Souls Day follows All Saints Day, and solemnly commemorates the faithful departed, i.e. those who die with God's grace and friendship...The Church prays for, and remembers, the faithful departed throughout the entire year. However, All Souls is the general, solemn, day of commemoration, when the Church remembers, prays for, and offers requiem masses up for the faithful departed...Typically Christians will take this day to offer prayers up on behalf of their departed relatives and friends. Others may remember influential individuals that they never knew personally, such as presidents, musicians, etc. For more about the feast of All Souls check out;

Sacraments of Initiation - Parent's Meeting Wednesday November 3, 2010 6:30pm
The second in our series of three on-going formation gatherings for parents who have already registered their children for the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist to be celebrated in the spring. This evening we will be looking at the role of prayer in our personal lives and it's place within our families.

We will be holding a workshop and introduction of all ministers to Fr. Antony. This workshop/introduction is mandatory for ALL ministers(USHERS and GREETERS). We are holding two workshops Thursday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m., and Saturday November 6 at 10:00 a.m. If you wish to continue in this ministry, you must plan on attending one of these workshops. If you have any questions regarding these ministries and/or the workshops, please call Eric at the parish office.

Kfor J and CTK Youth Events;
November 5, 2010 K4J (ages 3 – 10) 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the parish Hall
November 5, 2010 CTK Youth Group; Operation Andrew – Is Your Faith TOP SECRET? 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
For more information about either of these programs contact Laura O'Reilly @ 584-4140 or

Installation of Fr. Antony by Archbishop Daniel J. Bohan: The Mass of Installation for Father Sathiadas Antony as our new priest and shepherd for our Christ the King family will be held this coming Sunday, November 7 at the 10:00AM Mass. This very special celebration will be followed with a chance to congratulate Father Antony and meet and greet his Grace Archbishop Daniel Bohan during our parish breakfast after the Mass.

Commissioning of Liturgical Ministers (Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Music Ministry and Hospitality Ministers) - Sunday, November 7 at the 10:00AM Mass
In addition to the official installation of Father Antony as priest for our parish, Archbishop Dniel Bohan will also be commissioning all liturgical ministers who have participated in the required workshops for ministerial service to our community. Although many will have been commissioned previously, this celebration presents our parish with the opportunity to have all of our sacred ministers commissioned by the Archbishop himself at a single celebration. Even if you have been previously commissioned to minister all are encouraged to attend this celebration.

First Reconciliation - Parent's Information Evening Wednesday November 10, 2010 6:30 PM
The time has come once again to invite the children of our parish family in grades four and up to prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I’m sure you agree that each step of your child’s journey in faith is a time of joy and excitement and Reconciliation is no exception. Our program for First Reconciliation Preparation for this year will consist of three sessions. The first of these session will be held on Wednesday November 10th at 6:30 PM in the Hall. Please note that this first meeting is for parents only. To learn more about the preparations, the sacrament itself, or to register your child follow this link;

Remembrance Day - Thursday November 11, 2010
The office will be closed for this day of remembrance. We will re-open with our regular hours on Friday November 12.

Seeking Your Stories
These days, for better or worse, being a part of a faith community is largely a voluntary choice. This begs the question...why? Why Christ the King parish? What was it and/or is it that draws you to call our parish community home? Is there a particular incident that comes to mind? A person, and event, a celebration that moved you to make us a part of your family? Have you been here so long that all you know is it 'feels like home' every time you walk in the door? We would love for you to share with us your stories about why you have made Christ the King parish a part of your life. Email your stories (300 wrds or less) to Have you heard a friend's story and found it inspiring too? Please encourage them to share it with us!

Some Inspiration

Subtle Forms of Idolatry - RON ROLHEISER, OMI Speaker, Columnist and Author "As Lewis puts it: It's not out of bad mice or bad fleas you make demons, but out of bad archangels";

Father, Sister, Brother, Deacon: Is God Calling Me? - Elizabeth Bookser Barkley "It must have surprised the Oldenburg Franciscan sister when one of her first-grade students stood up proudly and announced what he wanted to be when he grew up: “A Franciscan nun!”;

Feast of All Saints - "The earliest certain observance of a feast in honor of all the saints is an early fourth-century commemoration of "all the martyrs.";

Feast of All Souls - "The Church has encouraged prayer for the dead from the earliest times as an act of Christian charity.";

Our CTKRegina YouTube 'Mary and The Saints' playlist - A collection of short videos examining Church teaching on Mary and the Saints as well as telling the stories of the lives of various saints;

The Catechism of the Catholic Church - with our 24-week Great Adventure Bible Study having become so popular, we have had many requests for links to an on-line version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The two best versions follow. The first is from St. Charles Bormeo Church in Mississippi. They offer a fully indexed and searchable CCC in standard and mobile formats. The Second link is to the same version as it is offered on the Vatican's own website;

The CCC at St. Charles Bormeo Church;

The CCC at The Vatican;


Prayer for the Feast of All Saints - November 1, 2010
Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
today we rejoice in the holy men and women
of every time and place.
May their prayers bring us your forgiveness and love.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the Feast of All Souls - November 2, 2010
Merciful Father,
hear our prayers and console us.
As we renew our faith in your Son,
whom you raised from the dead,
strengthen our hope that all our departed brothers and sisters
will share in His resurrection,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

A Prayer for the Deceased
Almighty God,
by the mercy of the cross,
you have made us strong;
by the Eucharistic sacrament of the resurrection
you have sealed us as your own.
Look kindly upon your servant N,
now freed from the bonds of mortality,
and count him/her among your saints in heaven.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for Those who Mourn
Lord God,
You are attentive to the voice of our pleading.
Let us find in your Son
comfort in our sadness,
certainty in our doubt,
and courage to live through this hour.
Make our faith strong, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Peace and God Bless,

Eric Gurash - Pastoral Assistant
Christ the King Church
3239 Garnet Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tel. 306 586-9020
Fax.306 584-7633
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"The whole earth is quiet and still,it is glad and hath rejoiced!" (Isaiah 14:7)