
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CTK Updates - Week of November 7, 2010 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Greetings And the Blessings of Christ Be With You!

We finally did it! We have at long last had our new pastor, Father Sathiadas Antony properly and duly installed. The instructions were printed up-side down, they were all in Swedish and a few screws were loose, but we managed to 'git-er-done' with relatively few bumps and scratches. As we were unpacking the rest of his parts, just prior to Mass, we did find the following odd scrap of paper. It seems to be all that remains of the original, English instructions that came with this particular model. Still, the information it contains is quite pertinent and so I will share it with you here;

It has come to our attention that the pastor you received was shipped with a slight defect: he is not psychic. This defect necessitates certain special procedures to ensure optimum performance of your unit.

*It is necessary to inform him of any members who are hospitalized.
*It is necessary to inform him of any members who should be added to the "shut-in" list.
*If someone you know is sick or otherwise in need of the pastor's prayers, or if you know of someone who should be included in the prayers on Sunday morning, the pastor must be told, or he won't know.
*If you are in need of a pastoral visit or some other service from the pastor, you will get best results if you ask him.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause. If these special procedures create an undue burden, please feel free to send the unit back, and one with full psychic abilities will be shipped as soon as one becomes available.

Still, the celebration this past weekend was quite wonderful and we have heard nothing but excited and positive comments about the whole thing from beginning to end. A special thanks to all of the ministers who helped with the Mass, the Lectors with their faith-filled proclaiming, the servers who were so reverent and professional, the music ministry whose combined choir truly helped the whole congregation lift heart and mind to God, the parish breakfast crew who put on such a wonderful and filling meal afterward, and all of those behind the scenes who every single weekend make CTK the best place in the world to offer God praise and thanksgiving.

A special thank-you also, to His Grace Archbishop Daniel Bohan for leading us in worship and installing our new pastor, and most especially to Father Antony himself, for putting up with us wild and crazy, yet truly loving and faith-filled nuts.

Stewardship Stories;
Each week you know I have been sharing a variety of stories relating to Stewardship and the call from God to give of ourselves for the building of the Kingdom. As last week drew to a close I was struggling to find something to share today. As I often do when stuck for ideas, I took some time to pray about it and spent even more time just waiting to see what God would provide.

Yesterday afternoon and evening I found myself at our weekly Great Adventure Bible Study where we were learning about and discussing the stories surrounding God and Abraham in the book of Genesis. At one point in the story, God, who has been promising over and over again to Abraham that he and his wife would one day give rise to a great and kingly nation, asks Abraham to give back the son, his and Sarah's only son that was to have been the fulfillment of this promise. This is the story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac a story of faithfulness in the face of a great trial. In it, Abraham, whom we often call the 'Father of Faith' is faced with having to return to God that which God has not only given to him, but the very gift that Abraham and his wife had been waiting their entire lives for, the very gift that was to ensure that their own lives had not been lived in vain.

Just take a moment to read's such an amazing tale;

It struck me then and resonates with me still. Throughout their relationship God is asking Abraham again and again, "Do you trust me?" Do you trust me when I say your name will be great? Do you trust me when I tell you that a land flowing with milk and honey will be yours? Do you trust me when I say that through you, all the nations of the world will be blessed?

Do you trust me...even if it looks like I am taking away what you've worked hard for, what you've earned, what is precious to you? Do you trust me even if it looks like I am breaking my promise to you?

When it comes to our role as stewards of what we have been gifted with, this very same question, this very same story must resonate within our own hearts. "Do you trust me?" God asks.

I invite you to read again and again this story of Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac and ask yourself this question; "Are there any Isaacs in my own life, things that I hold very near and dear to my own heart, Isaacs of Time, of Talent, of Treasure, and do I trust God enough to give them away for His glory and His divine purpose?"

Parish News
The CWL fundraising bake sale is Sunday, Nov. 21st. If you wish to donate baking, it can be brought to the parish hall between 3:00 and 5:00 pm on Sat, Nov. 20th or dropped off before Mass on Sunday. If you are unable to donate, please support us by purchasing baking. Call Marlene Hoffman at 586-6948 if you have any questions.

“...and there is no limit to the blessings which God can send you – he will make sure that you will always have all you need for yourselves in every possible circumstance....” (2 Corinthians 9:8).
The call of the Commitment to the Future is a call for growth in faith – to believe in the promise extended by God through the words of Scripture. Respond in faith, knowing and trusting that God recognizes your sacrificial willingness to live the message of the Gospel. Commit to the Future.

First Reconciliation - Parent's Information Evening Wednesday November 10, 2010 6:30 PM

The time has come once again to invite the children of our parish family in grades four and up to prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I’m sure you agree that each step of your child’s journey in faith is a time of joy and excitement and Reconciliation is no exception. Our program for First Reconciliation Preparation for this year will consist of three sessions. The first of these session will be held on Wednesday November 10th at 6:30 PM in the Hall. Please note that this first meeting is for parents only. To learn more about the preparations, the sacrament itself, or to register your child follow this link;

Remembrance Day - Thursday November 11, 2010
The office will be closed for this day of remembrance. We will re-open with our regular hours on Friday November 12.

First Reconciliation Enrollment - Saturday November 13 5:00pm and Sunday November 14 10:00am

The Children who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time will be officially enrolled in our fall program, assured of our community's prayers and support, and presented with their workbook materials at both weekend Masses. Registered families who attended the November 10th meeting are only required to attend one of these celebrations.

First Reconciliation Family Meeting - Wednesday November 17 6:30pm
This is the first of two preparation meetings for children and their families enrolled in our fall First Reconciliation Program. Meetings are in the parish Hall and will last approximately one hour.

Seeking Your Stories
These days, for better or worse, being a part of a faith community is largely a voluntary choice. This begs the question...why? Why Christ the King parish? What was it and/or is it that draws you to call our parish community home? Is there a particular incident that comes to mind? A person, and event, a celebration that moved you to make us a part of your family? Have you been here so long that all you know is it 'feels like home' every time you walk in the door? We would love for you to share with us your stories about why you have made Christ the King parish a part of your life. Email your stories (300 wrds or less) to Have you heard a friend's story and found it inspiring too? Please encourage them to share it with us!

Some Inspiration;
Stories of Our Great Adventure
What a story! I have heard so many Bible stories at Mass throughout the years but I've never understood them in the way I'm beginning to do so now. The foreshadowing that occurs at the beginning in Genesis is so powerful. What struck me most this week was when God asks Abraham to take his only son Isaac and offer him up as a sacrifice. Abraham was faithful to God and did as he asked. On the way, Isaac asks "where is the Lamb for the sacrifice?" and Abraham says, "God will provide the Lamb". As Abraham was about to kill his Son, God calls out to him and tells him "Stop!". There in the bushes is a ram, which he has Abraham sacrifice instead. I've heard this story many times but not until it was pointed out in the Bible Study session did I realize that it was not a lamb! The sacrificial lamb was yet to come in Jesus. Over the years we've lost the story, we don't really know what it means. I'm so glad that I'm able to understand the story and once it begins to make sense it really changes how you view God.
-Melissa Gurash The Great Adventure Bible Study at CTK

Seeking a Confessor - Ron Rolheiser OMI;

Touching our Loved Ones inside the Body of Christ;

Religious groups respond to gay bullying - CNS (Catholic News Service);

Lest We Forget - CTK Remebers;

How to use Twitter for Adults - So you're still not entirely sure about this whole Twitter thing. You get its popularity, but you're also an adult who doesn't want to submit to an overwhelming firehose of tweets. Web VIP Derek Powazek explains Twitter for Adults;

November 11th is the day we in Canada remember all of those who have died fighting for freedom and peace for our country, as well as protecting the freedoms, dignity and right to secure and peaceful lives for others. It is also, fittingly, the feast day of St. Martin of Tours patron of Soldiers, Against Impoverishment, Against Poverty, and Beggars. Below you will find a prayer to St. Martin, one of St. Martin's own prayers, as well as a prayer for those who have died as a result of war and conflict;

Prayer to St. Martin of Tours
Dear well-beloved Saint, you were first a soldier like your father.
Converted to the Church, you became a soldier of Christ, a priest and then a Bishop of Tours. Lover of the poor, and model for pagans and Christians alike, protect our soldiers at all times. Make them strong, just, and charitable, always aiming at establishing peace on earth. Amen.

St. Martin's Own Prayer
Lord, if your people still have need of my services, I will not avoid the toil. Your will be done. I have fought the good fight long enough. Yet if you bid me continue to hold the battle line in defense of your camp, I will never beg to be excused from failing strength. I will do the work you entrust to me. While you command, I will fight beneath your banner. Amen

Remembrance Day Prayer
Loving and compassionate God,
we pray for all who have labored for liberty, freedom and justice;
for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice;
for those who in life and death have preserved our living.
We pray also for those who have been victimized,
the innocent victims of war,
those who have suffered as a result of conflict and strife,
and those who have been
casualties of hatred and terror.
Grant that they may rest in your peace, and that we,
through our actions, may be found worthy to inherit
the eternal treasures of your kingdom. Amen.

Peace and God Bless,

Eric Gurash - Pastoral Assistant
Christ the King Church
3239 Garnet Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Tel. 306 586-9020
Fax.306 584-7633
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"The whole earth is quiet and still,it is glad and hath rejoiced!" (Isaiah 14:7)


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