
Monday, June 18, 2012

Unity in Prayer and Worship

The New Roman Missal has been out and in use since December of last year. One of the biggest questions and/or comments we hear about it is something along the lines of "what does it matter what words we say or whether everyone sits or stands or kneels? Isn't it enough for God that we show up?" Not sure if St. Cyprian struggled with introducing a newer translation of the Mass...but he sure knew how important unity was - not for God - but for us...

From a Treatise on the Lord’s Prayer by Saint Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr
Our prayer is communal

Above all, he who preaches peace and unity did not want us to pray by ourselves in private or for ourselves alone. We do not say “My Father, who art in heaven,” nor “Give me this day my daily bread.” It is not for himself alone that each person asks to be forgiven, not to be led into temptation or to be delivered from evil. Rather, we pray in public as a community, and not for one individual but for all. For the people of God are all one.

God is then the teacher of harmony, peace and unity, and desires each of us to pray for all men, even as he bore all men in himself alone. The three young men shut up in the furnace of fire observed this rule of prayer. United in the bond of the Spirit they uttered together the same prayer. The witness of holy Scripture describes this incident for us, so that we might imitate them in our prayer. Then all three began to sing in unison, blessing God. Even though Christ had not yet taught them to pray, nevertheless, they spoke as with one voice.

It is for this reason that their prayer was persuasive and efficacious. For their simple and spiritual prayer of peace merited the presence of the Lord. So too, after the ascension we find the apostles and the disciples praying together in this way. Scripture relates: They all joined together in continuous prayer, with the women including Mary, the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. They all joined together in continuous prayer. The urgency and the unity of their prayer declares that God, who fashions a bond of unity among those who live in his home, will admit into his divine home for all eternity only those who pray in unity.

My dear friends, the Lord’s Prayer contains many great mysteries of our faith. In these few words there is great spiritual strength, for this summary of divine teaching contains all of our prayers and petitions. And so, the Lord commands us: Pray then like this: Our Father, who art in heaven.

We are new men; we have been reborn and restored to God by his grace. We have already begun to be his sons and we can say “Father.” John reminds us of this: He came to his own home, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who received him, who believe in his name, he gave the power to become children of God. Profess your belief that you are sons of God by giving thanks. Call upon God who is your Father in heaven.

Excerpt courtesy of

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Christ the King Outdoor Mass & Picnic

Christ the King Outdoor Mass & BBQ Picnic
Mass 10:00 a.m. –Followed by BBQ Picnic
Sunday, June 24, 2012
(Outdoors – weather permitting)

Bring your own chair, umbrella, portable gazebo and other picnic essentials (bug spray, sunscreen, etc).

Games for everyone!
Dino Bouncer, Entertainment, Music, Three legged races, Games for everyone
BBQ after Mass

Menu: Hotdogs, hamburgers, salad and ice cream
HELP IS NEEDED to make this a special celebration for everyone!
~Donations list will be set up at the back of the church in June~
If you can help with any of the following: Setup, Food/kitchen, games and cleanup. Please call Joan at -585-3102 or the office at 586-9020.

Cost: Free Will Offering