
Monday, April 23, 2012

Confirmations and the Power of Prayer

Yesterday I had the great honor of sharing the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation with 50 children of our parish and their families and friends. The celebration with His Grace Archbishop Daniel and our own Father Antony was wonderful and very exciting! But this post isn't so much about the celebration. Its about something I noticed this morning, with all of the preparations and celebrating behind me, as I worked at getting the last vestiges of our Saturday morning pre-confirmation retreat out of the Hall, packed up and put away for another year.

The focus of the retreat was on prayer, that single act of God's within our soul that will continue to serve, sustain, comfort and guide those newly Confirmed and their families throughout their lives. One of the prayers I have been using to help families get used to being aware of God and being with God is the Examen as developed by St. Ignatius. It is one of the most simple, sweetest, and profound methods of prayer in our great church and one that has the potential of changing how we perceive the flow and significance of every moment of our lives. At least that was St. Ignatius' belief and perennial hope.

For the last four months we have been using this wonderful little way of praying at the start of every meeting. Just how simple is it for families? As easy as taking a few moments to review the events, activities and conversations of their day, paying attention to the one specific moment that their imaginations have drawn their attention to, and sharing it with each other in their groups.  See, simple!

After this is done they pick one thing they want to share with everyone else, share it out loud, and stick their whole sheet of responses on our wall. We end the prayer by giving thanks to God for touching our lives and drawing our attention to all of these ways He has been with us.

You can never really know just how deeply this kind, or any kind of prayer has touched an individual or a family. I know too that, given the challenges of being the Church of Christ in the world today, it is easy to get discouraged and wonder if God is really at work at all.

So it was with great joy that I found myself nearly moved to tears as I took down their prayer sheets from our weekend retreat and really took the time to read some of the many ways these families have shared with each other and with me, how God has been touching their lives. So much so, that I simply had to share them with you today;

Where Did You Encounter God At Work In Your Days?

When my husband had a good week at work.

When I took my dog for a walk.

Time spent with my wife on our Date Night.

Praying for a friend recovering from emergency surgery.

Watching my daughter make a present for her sister's birthday.

Eating Ice cream with my sister.

Delivering papers in the rain.

I got 100% on my math test!

In the face of my Uncle Mike.

Seeing my family's faces all along the Boston Marathon.

When our dog comes in from outside.

Talking with my son and daughter about Awe and Wonder!

God was at school on the playground with all my friends!

Watching the sunset.

When I got a regular job/permanent position.

Playing soccer with all my friends.

When I helped my friend.

Preparing breakfast for my family.

When my papa got out of the hospital early and is home safe and healthy.

God was with me to give me creativity for cake decorating yesterday.

Comforting a close friend who was very upset about some bad news.

Sharing a birthday with my mom.

I saw God hugging me when I was down and assuring me that everything was going to be fine.

St. Ignatius called this the sweetest form of prayer and I cannot help but agree. After Confirmations are done I always get a little worried because so many of our families drift away as the business and hectic pace of life overwhelms them. As I read through these and the hundreds more that their sharing brought out I found myself reminded of Jesus certain assurance "And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’" and I can't help but offer a prayer of praise and thanksgiving;

Thank-you so much my Lord and my God, for all of the moments you share with us. You created the sun, the moon, and every star and planet. You set the universe in motion and loved every speck of life within it into being. Yet, in spite of how all-encompassing you are, you take the time to spend these moments with us. You share all of our joys, all of our excitements, all of our struggles, all of our tears. Never let me forget that there exists in this world, so great a love as that which you have shared with me.


If you want to know more about the daily Examen check out these two wonderful sites;

Ignatian Spirituality

Other Six

Peace and God Bless


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