
Friday, February 21, 2014

Lent in the Home - A Lenten Skittles Jar!

This is a simple Lenten activity that your kids will love to do through lent! On Ash Wednesday set out a small mason jar for each child with their name taped to it and a big bowl of skittles (or you can use jellybeans). Identify one action to go with each color. As they complete the action they can put a skittle in their jar and are not allowed to eat them till Easter Sunday!

You can make your own actions based on the ages and needs of your children. Here is an example of what some of the colors could represent:

Red is for the blood Jesus gave for us. Each morning choose something that can be sacrificed (given up) to earn the red Skittle. It must be something that the child would have had the opportunity to have or do that day.

Green is for the palm’s cool shade. Green Skittles can be earned for good deeds.

Yellow is for God’s light so bright! Yellow Skittles can be earned by sharing God’s light through showing kindness to others.

Orange is for prayers at twilight or bedtime. Orange Skittles can be earned for attentive behavior during bedtime prayers / Bible reading.

Blue is for sweet rest at night. Blue Skittles can be earned for going to bed without fuss.

Purple is for Jesus’ days of sorrow (or His Passion). Purple Skittles can be earned by apologizing to anyone we hurt with our words or actions.

Pink is for forgiveness and each new tomorrow. Pink Skittles can be earned when we forgive those who hurt us, whether or not they apologize to us.

Lent is a great time for moms, dads and kids to discuss all the wonderful ways Jesus invites us to be more loving, and practice showing his love to others. Throughout the coming weeks we will be sharing a host of ideas to make Lent a time for growth in faith and love for you whole family.


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